Jar-Ptitza. Zhar-Ptitza. Russische Monatsschrift für Kunst und Literatur. No. 14
Berlin, A. Kogan, 1926, (4),48 p., w. 2 (tipped-in) col. plates and (full-p./ col.) ills. by J. Bilibine, A. Jakovlev, A. Lachovsky a.o., orig. wr. by Bilibine, folio.
Wrinkled/ water dam. in lower right corner throughout, wr. sl. and stained along margins, sm. dam. spots in lower corner of front wr., minimal other defects. The famous post-revolutionary art journal Jar-Ptitza ("The Firebird"); in total only 14 issues published between 1921 and 1926.