[Maritime] Schefferus, J. De militia navali veterum
libri quatuor. Ad historiam Graecam Latinamque utiles. Uppsala, J. Janssonius, 1654. 1st (only) ed. (8),348 p. W. fine frontisp. by J. v. Meurs after the author's design, engr. printer's mark on title-p., 5 (full-p.) engr. plates (2 more than usual, incl. 1 large in-text), & num. woodcut in-text ills. Contemp. vellum (sl. worn), manuscript title on spine. Sm. 4to.
1 plate cut short, occas. foxing and waterst., sl. browned as usual. Schefferus' work is an important treatise on navigation and one of the few early monographs on the subject. It discusses (among other topics) the origins of navigation, naval warfare equipment and naval hierarchy. Scheffer was mainly known for his work on Scandinavian language and history.