[Ordinances] Müntz Edict, de dato den 15. Julii, anno 1692
Dresden, Churfl. Sächs. Hoff-Buchdruckerei, (1692), (8) p., w. large woodcut coat of arms and woodcut initial on title-p., folio. Pages loose. Rare numismatic ordinance, stating that an increasing number of illegal coins are used and that these coins will be confiscated. Added: (2) Three Dutch placards concerning the Amsterdam grocery market (1771), the correct steps to be taken in the case of victims of drowning (1792) and taxes to be paid for imported cattle (The Hague, 1773). (3) Amsterdam "Poorter-eed" printed on vellum w. paper tax seal, filled-out in pen by Joan Thierry on 14 Oct. 1761.
(total 5)