Vordemberge-Gildewart, F. Époque Néerlandaise
Préface Jean Arp. Amst., Duwaer, 1949. Unnumb. and fine copy from the archives of a former Duwaer employee. (No. 2 of the collection "Editions Duwaer", one of approx. 250 copies (total 300) without lithogr., design and collage). Added: 'Oorkonde Vereeniging ter bevordering van de belangen des Boekhandels' for the print of 'Hugo Claus, Karel Appel, painter, as one of the 50 best cared for books of 1963', signed (faded) by J.N. van Wessem, D. Dooijes, C. Leeflang, W. Crouwel and J. Vermeulen.
(total 2)