[Economics] Lessius, L. De Justitia et Jure ceteresq[ue] Virtutibus Cardinalibus Libri Quatuor
Antwerp, Plantiniana B. Moreti, 1632. (16),825,(69) p. Engr. title-p. by C. Galle after Rubens, printer's woodcut device on final p. Contemp. blindst. calf (rather worn, lacking clasps) over wooden boards. Folio.
Former owner signatures upper flyleaf. (Occas.) waterst., especially at the beginning, some browning/ foxing as usual, lacking p. 613-616. The volume forms a work of moral theology which is "one of the earliest treatises to investigate the ethics of economics" (The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, p. 818). De Justitia et Jure is Lessius's most important work, being notable for its analysis of contemporary commercial practices.