Bosch, J. van den. Atlas der overzeesche bezittingen van Zijne Majesteit den Koning der Nederlanden
The Hague/ Amst., Gebr. van Cleef, 1818. Engr. calligraphic title and 12 maps engr. by C. van Baarsel en Zoon, most handcol. in outline. Contemp. hcalf w. speckled paper boards. Folio. Covers and outer spine sl. worn, 1 map loose, otherwise in very good condition. Maps showing the various Dutch colonies in the East and West Indies, South America and Africa at the beginning of the 19th cent. Together w. the text vols: Idem. Nederlandsche Bezittingen in Asia, Amerika en Afrika. Ibid., idem, 1818. 2 vols. (28),338,(1); (6),309,(1) p. 2 engr. allegoric frontisp., 2 engr. titles, and 14 fold. tables. Unif. contemp. hcalf w. marbled paper boards (sl worn). 8vo. Ex libris upper pastedowns. Browned, lacking 1 fold. table.
Report of a tour of duty done by Johannes van den Bosch (later Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies and implementer of the 'Cultuurstelsel'), sent out by William I, King of the Netherlands. Rare complete set w. atlas. (total 3)