[Militaria] Puysegur, (J.Fr. Chastenet de). Art de la guerre, par principes et par règles
Ouvrage de M. le Maréchal de Pusegur, mis au jour par M. le Marquis de Puysegur, son fils, brigadier d'infanterie, colonel du régiment de Vexin. Paris, C.-A. Jombert 1748, 2 parts in 1 vol., XIV,196; 244,II p., w. the following engravings: frontisp. portrait, title-p. vignette, engr. title to 2nd part, 9 (fold.) maps and plans, 32 fold. plates, head and tailpieces, 19th cent. green hmor. by F.E. Stoakley (Cambridge), a.e.g., folio.
Former owner's entry in pen dated 1880 on first title, some foxing, offsetting and finger soiling and minimal other imperfections. A good copy, w. armorial bookplate incorporating the motto Adsum Vigilans of T.A. Walker. This library was sold at auction by Sotheby's in 1977. Brunet IV, 989; Cohen, 1830; not. in Cat. Legermuseum. Biogr. Univ. VIII, 128. Puységur entered the military service in 1677 and due to his talents and valour became one of the leading military men of his age, known for his achievements in the development of elementary infantry strategy. This first edition of his monumental work on military strategy and tactics was published by his son, five years after his death.