[Pin-ups] Vargas, A. (1896-1982). Four complete calendars with pin-ups
Calendars of 1941, 1944, 1946 (copyright 1940, 1943 and 1945) and one undated, the dated ones issued in Chicago by Esquire, each calendar w. 12 plates after Vargas and verses by P. Stack (3x), var. sizes, all comb-bound. 1943 Jan. plate loose from right comb, occas. minor imperfections. Good set. -and approx. 60 lvs from var. periodicals w. pin-ups after Vargas, incl. 50 double-p. plates (w. sellotape on centre fold), and a few loose calendar lvs. Added: a pair of folded paper knickers.
(total approx. 65)