[Pop-up books] Six items: (1) Dolly's Mansion
London, Jarrold & Sons, ca. 1890. Four (chromolithogr.) lvs showing different rooms in a house. Orig. chromolithogr. boards which form a triangular house w. roof. Rare. (2) El Pintor's Tover Boek van 1001 nacht. N.pl., n.publ., (1941). Leporello w. text on one side and pop-ups on the other. Former owner's signature on front cover, sl. worn. (3) Leent, F.H. van. Van Prinsesje tot Koningin. Een aardig tooverboek. Ca. 1898. Col. lithogr. ills. w. moveable flaps that change the scene. -and 3 other items w. moveable parts. Added: 2 cloth books, Puffing Billy and Toy-Land Series.
(total 8)