[Fashion and costume] Maaskamp, E. Afbeeldingen van de kleeding, zeden en gewoonten in de Bataafsche Republiek
met den aanvang der negentiende eeuw/ Tableaux de l'habillement, des moeurs et des coutumes dans la République Batave, au commencement du dix-neuvième siècle. Amst., the author, 1803(-1807). (Stipple-) engr. frontisp. and 20 handcol. costume prints by L. Portman after J. Kuiper w. letterpress captions, accompanying text lvs in Dutch and French. In 5 vols., each in marbled paper wr. 4to.
Some bookblocks/ pages loose, but pages and engr. themselves in fine condition. Lipperheide Gb 39; Landwehr 358: "The first Dutch book of costumes dealing with various provinces (...); it gives also interesting details on the morals and customs of these regions. (...) carefully hand-coloured plates (...).' (total 5)