Yoshimasa Wada, three performance posters 1974-1975
(1) Earth Horns with electronic drone & mix. Everson Museum Auditorium, Syracuse NY, Feb. 23-24, 1974. B/w and silver offset on white paper, 34.5 x 42 cm. Mint unfolded copy. (2) Earth Horns with electronic drone. The Kitchen, New York, Jan. 12-13, 1974. Original photocopy, 36 x 22 cm. (3) Pipe horns, May 30 - 31, 1975. Byrd Hoffman Foundation, New York. Offset printed b/w, 35.5 x 29.5 cm, folded copy, sent by the artist to Dutch collector Tjeerd Deelstra. (total 3)
Yoshi Wada (1943-2021) was a composer and artist associated with the Fluxus and downtown New York experimental arts scene. 'Earth Horns with electronic drone' is an early minimalist piece, combining four of Wada's self-made 'pipehorns' (made from plumbing materials, over three meters in length), with an electronic drone tuned to the electrical current of the performance space.