[Horticulture] Court van der Voort, P. de la. Byzondere aenmerkingen over het aenleggen van pragtige
en gemeene landhuizen, lusthoven, plantagien en aenklevende cieraeden: waer by gevoegt is Eene Verhandeling aengaende het snoeijen en voortteelen van Vrugt- en Wilde Boomen: inzonderheid eene nette Beschryving om jaerlyks overvloedig Druiven in de open Lucht (...). Amst., K. van Tongerlo & F. Houttuin, 1763, 2nd ed., 2 parts in 1 vol. w. continuous pagination, (4),XII,(4),522,(18) p., 16 engr. plates (most fold.) by J. v.d. Spyk, F. van Bleyswyck, J. Wandelaar and J.C. Philips, later hleather, 4to. One of the most famous Dutch books on the planning and cultivation of country gardens, concerning notably fruit and kitchen gardens and also greenhouses (incl. their heating) for the cultivation of pineapples, lemons, oranges and other (sub)tropical fruit. De la Court was the first to introduce the successful cultivation of pineapples in the Netherlands, after which the fruit became very popular. Added: Bienfait, A.G. Oude Hollandsche tuinen. The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1943, text and plate vol., orig. unif. gilt-lettered cl., 4to/ obl. folio.
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