Collecçao de noticias para a historia e geografia das naçoes ultramarinas,
que vivem dominios Portuguezes, ou lhes sao visinhas: publicada pela Academia Real das Sciencias. Tomo I. Num.os I. II e III. Lisbon, 'Na Typografia da mesma Academia', 1812, VI,178 p., later gilt hmor. Comprises first editions of two 17th cent. treatises on Hindu mythology and a natural history of Sao Paulo: (1-2) (Queiroz, F. de, attributed to). Breve relaçao dos escrituras dos gentios da India Oriental, e dos seus costumes (short account of the crowds of India and their customs, p. 1-59). Noticia summaria do gentilismo da Asia (short account of paganism in Asia, p. 61-126). Quiroz is also known for his translation of the Bhagvat-Gita (1922). (3) Anchieta, J de. Epistola quamplurimam rerum naturalium quae S. Vincentii (nunc S. Pauli) provinciam incolunt, sistens descriptionem (Communication of the very many natural things which dwell in the province of St. Vincent (now Sao Paulo), systematically described, p. 166-178).
Tax stamp on title-p. Vague waterstaining (washed). Very rare, even as a partial set; a total of 7 vols. were published. Borba de Moraes 164; E. Pope, India in Portuguese Literature, 1937, p. 166-168.