Rousel, P.J.A. Le Chateau des Tuileries
ou Récit de ce qui s'est passé dans l'intérieur de ce palais, depuis sa construction jusqu'au 18 Brumaire de l'an VIII. Paris, Le Rouge, 1802. 2 vols. in 1. (4),iv,376; (4),392 p., 2 engr. frontisp., cont. hcalf, gilt dec. spine, 8vo.
Ex-libris of Bob Luza on pastedown. Sm. tear in hinge, otherwise very good copy. Contains a romanticized account of the events concerning the Royal family during the French revolution, including details on Balzac's father during the storming of the palace: 'Carrying the saber to bring down the heads of the king and queen'; of great historical interest.