Belgian editions, lot of twelve: (1) Den Godvrugtigen Landsman,
of verzameling van onderwijzingen en gebeden, byzonderly ten dienste der landslieden. Mechelen, P.J. Hanicq, 1828, 2 parts in 1 vol., (12),449; 19 p., woodcut frontisp. and 7 plates, finely bound in cont. long-grained gilt red. mor., front cover w. gilt-lettered 'Parochiale Kerk St. Donaes', back cover w. gilt-lettered 'Eersten Prys Euphosina Piessens', richly gilt spine w. mor. letterpiece. Partly browned, bookplate on first free endpaper, binding w. a few imperfections. (2) Geestelyke aenspraken om de zieken te onderwyzen, te troosten en op-te-wekken in de verscheyde staeten van hunne ziektens (...). Antwerp, J.F. van Soest, 1738, 2 parts in 1 vol., (10),252,(4); (2),247,(2) p., cont. calf w. gilt and ribbed spine. Occas. a bit foxed, pastedowns detached from covers, binding rubbed/ chafed. -and 9 others, incl. another edition of the first title and two nice convolutes of works published in Rousselaere and Poperinge.
(total 12)