Gustav Metzger, Klaus Staeck and a destructive poem
Auto-destructive Art, Demonstration by G. Metzger. South Bank, London, 3 July 1961. Famous manifesto by the renown artist and political activist who co-organised the Destruction in Art Symposium in London in 1966. Folded sheet, 28 x 21.5 cm. In original envelope sent by Ad Petersen from the Stedelijk Museum to Tjeerd Deelstra.
+ Art into Society, Society into Art. Seven German artists. London, Institute of Contemporary Arts, 1974. 29.5 x 21 cm, 94 pp. Catalogue of an exhibition focused on artistic expression and politics in West Germany. Featuring Gustav Metzger, Albrecht D., Joseph Beuys, KP Brehmer, Hans Haacke, Dieter Hacker, Klaus Staeck and Michael Ruetz. Very good copy signed by Klaus Staeck on the first page in red ink. + Score with the theme Kaputt Machen. Instructions to destroy things (cigarettes, chairs or so). Unknown author, undated. 33 x 16 cm. Typed text in German. (total 4)