Printing, an artistic way of intercultural communication
(Joure, 2018). Box w. 45 contributions by artists, private presses & small printers, many ills. or printed in two or more colours, several signed by the author/ artist. Contributions by a.o. Jan Klerken, Joseph J. Visser, Silvia Zwaaneveldt, Cécile van Voorst and Bert Post. Orig. cl. box in orig. cl. slipcase. With: Jongstra, A. Koppermaandag. Geen gejoel. Feestrede te Joure, Blauwe Maandag 2018. Joure, (De Hynsteblom), 2018. 6 p. Orig. wrs.
Excellent condition. The contributions were printed in impressions of 65 copies, which where used for exhibitions in Museum Joure and Tresoar in the context of Leeuwarden-Fryslan Capital of Culture 2018. An unspecified number of boxes were sold to subscribers.