Chromolithograph advertorial cards, lot of 125
Ca. 1850-1920. Var. sizes. Incl. a.o.: (1) Gouda nachtlight en theelicht, 14 cards. (2) Huntley & Palmers Biscuits, series of 15 cards featuring military scenes/ soldiers from a.o. Germany, France, Italy and England and a series of 11 cards featuring the biscuits in different settings throughout the world (i.e. 'Egypt-across the desert', 'China - street market', 'On route to the North Pole', 'Stanley's expedition to relieve Emin Pasha', etc.). (4) Liebig's vleesch-extract/ pudding, 13 cards. (5) Advertorial booklet for Zacherlin insect repellent by J. Zacherl. (6) Advertorial Puss in Boots story for Hoffmann. -and approx. 70 others.
(total approx. 125)