
LOT 1111

Barre, É. Catalogue de tableaux modernes importants

composant une partie de la la collection de M. W... [Wolff] de Bruxelles dont la vente aura lieu Hotel Drouot, Salle No. 1 le Mercredi 11 avril 1877 a trois heures. Introd. E. Chesneau. Paris, Hotel Drouot, 1877, 44,(1) p. w. 7 mounted photogr. plates, orig. wr., 4to.

Waterst. in lower outer blank corner, wr. dam. resulting in dust-soiling of exposed parts of first and final pages of bookblock. Despite the defects an acceptable copy of this very rare auction catalogue, listing just 45 paintings. This part of the Wolff collection was deemed important enough to use original photographs as means of illustrating paintings by Brascassat, Delacroix (The lion and the Snake), Meisonnier, Rousseau, Troyon (2x) and Vernet.

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