Artzien: A Monthly Review of Art in Amsterdam, Nos.1-28 (all published)
Rare complete set published between 1978-1982, in 25 copies (some copies are double issues). Edited by Michael Gibbs, Kontexts Publications, Amsterdam. Staple bound xeroxed booklet, 21.5 x 17 cm, presenting a review on exhibitions, art events, performances and video screenings, with special attention to innovative work of young artists and art galleries in the alternative scene in Amsterdam. Most articles in English. Amongst the contributors are General Idea, Vito Acconci, Reindeer Werk, Milan Knizak, Nikolaus Urban, Lawrence Weiner, Marina Abramovic, Ulises Carrión and Raul Marroquin.
Includes: Vol. 1 No.1 Nov. 1978, Vol. 1 No.2 Nov. 1978, Vol. 1 No.3 Jan. 1979 with original rubberstamp by Davi Det Hompson on cover, Vol. 1 No.4 Feb. 1979 with original belly band for mailing, Vol. 1 No.5 March 1979, Vol. 1 No.6 April 1979, Vol. 1 No.7 May 1979, Vol. 1 No.8 June 1979, Vol. 1 No.9, with great cover image showing Al Hansen collecting cigarette butts, Vol. 1 No.10 Oct. 1979, Vol. 2 No.1 Nov. 1979, Vol. 2 No.2/3 Jan. 1980, Vol. 2 No.4 Feb. 1980, Vol. 2 No.5 March 1980, Vol. 2 Nos.6/7 April/May 1980 cover with original gum and screw collage by Milan Knizak, Vol. 2 No.8 June 1980, Vol. 2 No.9 Sept. 1980, Vol. 2 No.10 Oct. 1980, Vol. 3 No.1 Jan. 1981, Vol. 3 No.2 June 1981, No.23/24 Autumn 1981 (special Fluxfest issue), No.25 Spring 1982, No.26 Summer 1982, No.27 Autumn 1982, No.28 Nov. 1982. Some wrappers shows moderate signs of ageing, generally a very good set. (total 25)