
LOT 284
SOLD €440,00

[Elzevir Press] (1) Belgii Confoederati Respublica seu Geldriae. Holland. Zeland. Traject. Fris.

Transisal. Groning. chorographica Politicaque descriptio. Leiden, Elsevier, 1630. (14),352,(9) p. Engr. frontisp. w. title and coats of arms. Cont. overlapping vellum, manuscript title on spine. 24mo. Renewed flylvs, typed description glued on last flyleaf. A description of seven Dutch provinces. Ref. Willems 326. Good copy. (2) Respublica Hollandiae et Urbes. Hugo Grotius. Ibid., Johannes Maire, 1630. 514,(18) p. Engr. frontisp. w. coat of arms. Cont. overlapping vellum, manuscript title on spine. 24mo. A description of Holland and its rulers and a description of Zeeland province. Very good copy.

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