[Ordinances and resolutions] Differenten met den keyzer
(letterpress title on front cover). Convolute containing 2 manuscript documents and 1 printed extract from a resolution, the manuscripts dated 7-10 December 1783 and 20 September 1775, the printed one 3 November 1784, (81), 15 and (15) p., cont. simple boards, folio. Contents occas. a bit loose, minimal other imperfections, but overall in good condition.
The most extensive manuscript contains letters to and from "Den heer Minister Plenipotentiaris Hop" concerning the altercations between the army of the Austrian Emperor and the Dutch Republic, the result of the so-called "Begrafenis affaire" at Doel. Private Johannes Rasschen (died 14-10-1783), and was buried at Doel on 16-10-1783. Dutch soldiers, however, were not allowed to be buried in Doel, so on 28 October his body was exhumed by the Austrian soldiers and returned to Liefkenshoek. This led to a diplomatic row between the Dutch Republic and the Austrian Netherlands. The other manuscript deals w. disagreements between the Dutch Republic and the rulers of the Austrian Netherlands concerning free and unimpeded entrance for ships wishing to deliver their trade in Antwerp. The printed extract is titled "Extract uit het Register der Resolutien van de […] Staaten Generaal der Vereenigde Nederlanden (...). 3 November 1784", and discusses the border of the Dutch Republic and the Austrian Netherlands.