
LOT 391
SOLD €2700,00

[Mathematics] Marolois, S., ed. Opus mathematicum (general letterpress title). Convolute of three works

Amst., J. Janssonius, 1632-1633, bound together in cont. overlapping vellum, 4to in sm. folio size. Comprises: (1) Johannes Vredeman de Vries. Perspectiva theoretica ac practica. Hoc est, opus opticum absolutissimum. Continens aedificorum, templorum, pergularum aliarumque structurarum perfectissima fundamenta (...). Multis verò illustratum per Samuelum Marolois (...). 1633/ 1632, two parts, (2),15,(1); 19-24 p., w. 49/ 24 double-p. engr. plates (ills. 33 and 34 on 1 plate). (2) Marolois, S. Mathematicorum sui seculi facile principis, Opticae sive perspectivae pars prima (...). 1633, (4),50 p., w. 80 double-p. engr. plates. (3) Idem. Mathematicorum sui seculi facile principis. Geometria, theoretica ac practica (...). Studio atque operâ Alberti Girardi (...). 1633, (2),51 p., w. 47 double-p. engr. plates.

Some browning and minimal other internal imperfections. The binding lacks the ties and the spine is defective. Overall, a desirable copy of this rare and important assembly of major works on perpective, illustrated w. 200 splendid plates. Bierens de Haan 3031 and cf. 3034; Hollstein, Vredeman de Vries 517-591.

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