Halma, F. Tooneel der Vereenigde Nederlanden en onderhorige landschappen
Geopent in een algemeen Historisch, Genealogisch, Geographisch en Staatkundig Woordenboek (...). Leeuwarden, H. Halma, 1725. 2 vols. (16),470; (2),408 p. Frontisp. by J. Goeree, engr. printer's device, 1 engr. dedicatory headpiece, 2 engr. headpieces, 1 text-engr., 26 double-p./ fold. engr. maps (incl. 1 plan of the Brittenburg) and 38 full-p. engr. portraits. Unif. cont. vellum w. blindst. centerpieces, mor. letterpieces on ribbed spine. Folio.
Some browning/ foxing as usual, but overall a nice set. Very useful reference work containing a wealth of detailed historical, topographical and biographical information. (total 2)