stanley brouwn, instruction- and invitation cards from 1969-1972
Extensive lot containing seven scarce cards, all unmailed copies in mint condition. Regular postcard size ca. 14.5 x 10.5 cm, unless otherwise mentioned. Contains: (1) This way brouwn, Galerie René Block, Berlin, November 1969. (2) Atlantis. De Kargadoor, Utrecht, 1970. Two black sheets, silkscreen printed text in blue, 33 x 16 cm, folded in 3. (3) Instruction card for the brouwn exhibition at the Städtisches Museum Monchengladbach, 1970, given to the visitors, 10.5 x 10.5 cm. Text in tiny lettering reads 'gehen sie sehr bewusst durch die kosmischen strahlen in den museumsräumen' (walk very consciously through the cosmic rays in the exhibition space).
Poste restante, 1970. Instruction card, 10.5 x 15 cm. Stencilled card with typed text: send me a post-restante letter. send the letter to a city of your choice. any city on earth is o.k. write me to which city you did send the poste-restante letter. stanley brouwn (listing his Amsterdam address). (5) stanley brouwn bei Konrad Fischer, Düsseldorf December 1970. (6) stanley brouwn Afghanistan-Zambia, 6 - 26 May 1971. Gegenverkehr, Zentrum für Aktuelle Kunst, Aachen, 1971. (7) Utrechtse Kring, Neudeflat, January 1972, 9 x 11 cm. (total 7)