Internationale Informationsschrift fur Kunstlerische Photographie/ Informations internationals sur la photographie d’art/ International newsletter for Photographic Art. Zurich, Marco Misano (ed. and publ.), 1976-1982. Nos. 1-32, 36-37, & 40-41/42 (37 nos. in 36 issues). Num. ills. Stapled dec. wrs.
No. 15 lacking sm. piece from top front wrapper, all other issues in very good condition. Contributing and consulting editors: Inge Bondi, Peter Benelli, L. Fritz Gruber. With articles on a.o. Robert Frank, H. Hajek Halke, Herbert List, Ray K. Metzker, Rene Groebli, Philip Trager, Paul Caponigro, Paul Outerbridge, Derek Bennet, Christian Staub and Kozo Miyoshi. (total 36)