Musaion, complete run
Sborník pro moderní umení. Ed. by Karel Capek. Prague, Aventinum, 1920-1928. Nos. 1-8 (all publ.). Together with the continuation: Musaion. Mesícni revue pro vytvarné umení - Revue mensuelle des arts plastiques - Monatsrevue für darstellende Kunst - A monthly review of fine arts. Ed. by Ot. Storch-Marien. Ibid., idem, 1929-1931. Vols. 1-2 (all publ., w. duplicates nos. 1-12). Contributors incl. a.o. Capek, Neumann, Nezval, Seifert, Salda, Sima, Hoffmeister, Teige, Styrsky and other members of the Czech avant garde as well as European artists such as Laurencin, Gris, Derain, Braque, Brancusi, Ozenfant, Picabia. Years 1922-1927 comprise the following monographs: no. 3: Václav Nebesky; no. 4: Jan Zrzavy; no. 5: Josef Capek; no. 6: R. Kremlicka; no. 7: V. Spála, no. 8: Kupka. Orig. pictorial wrs. 8vo/ folio.
Nos. 1-2 of the original series without the orig. engr., vol. 1 of the continuation bookblock detached, some other signs of age/ wear. Rare complete run of this richly illustrated avant garde art magazine. (total 22)