Zet. Das Zeichenheft fuer Literatur und Graphik, complete set
Ed. by W. Rothe. Heidelberg, 1973-1975. Jahrgang 1-3 (comprising nos. 1-12, all publ.). Important contributions to contemporary (graphic) art; each issue w. 1 orig. graphic by HAP Grieshaber, P. Ackermann, H.E. Kalinowski, H. Knoke, C. Meckel, E. Paolozzi, M. Schoenholtz, B. Schultze, G. Uecker and U. u. St. Wewerka; other contributions by Mynona, R.D. Brinkmann and H. Frick, a.o. Orig. wrs. Folio.
Spines faded, otherwise in good condition. (total 12)