Pro. Blätter für neue Literatur
(later: Einschriftlicher Vorgang and Jahrbuch für Mitteilungssysteme). Dusseldorf etc., Bulkowski, 1966-1968. Heft 1-8 & 10. Contributions by a.o. Horst Bingel, Paul Schallück, G. Zwerenz, Max v.d. Grün, N. Born, P. Faecke, D. Hoffmann, G. Kunert, K. Marti, Simon Vinkenoog, Peter Chotjewitz, G. Guben, Reimar Lenz and num. others from the Beat and Hippie movement of the era. Orig. stapled wrs. 8vo.
Very good condition. Important example of the anarchist and leftist "mini-presses" of the time. 'Pro' had ties with the Dutch Provo movement as well as with similar movements in Flanders. See King, page 61. (total 9)