
LOT 1743
SOLD €200,00

[Physics] Three (very) rare titles: (1) Lorentz, H.A. Aanteekeningen op J.J. Thomson,

Elements of the mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism. Leyden, E. IJdo, 1898, 30 p., modern giltlettered rexine, by S. Jovanovic, the orig. wr. (w. sm. defects) bound w., 4to. Kox 1898i (online available). (2) M. Planck and W.W. Grafen Baudissin. Rektorwechsel an der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin am 15. Oktober 1913. I. Bericht des abtretenden Rektors (Baudissin). II. Rede des antretenden Rektors Dr, Max Planck: Neue Bahnen der physikalischen Erkenntnis. Berlin, Norddeutsche Buchdruckerei, 1913, 45 p., bound unif. w. the preceding (some sm. defects), 4to. (3) N. Bohr. Om Brintspektret (on the spectrum of hydrogen). (Foredrag holdt i Fysisk Forening den 20 December 1913). Fysisk Saertryk af Fysisk Tidsskrift. XII. 3. Hefte. N.publ., n.d. (ca. 1914), 18 p., bound unif. w. the preceding, orig. wr. bound w., 4to (offprint).

(total 3)

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