Raphael (1483-1520) & Michelangelo (1475-1564). Prospectus. Deux candélabres
composés par Raphael Sanzio d'Urbin et Michel-Ange Buonaroti; d'après le concours ouvert entr'eux, par les Papes Jules II et Léon X, environ l'an 1518. Dédiés au citoyen Chaptal, Ministre de l'Intérieur, membre de l'Institut national de France. Paris, Joubert, 1803. 4 p. With 4 large engr. plates. Later bound in mottled hroan over paper boards, black morocco title piece w. gilt lettering on spine and orig. printed wrs. bound within. Large folio (59.5 x 41.5 cm).
Armorial bookplate on front pastedown. Extremely rare prospectus w. designs for candlesticks by Raphael and Michelangelo, potentially rendered in life-size, made on the occasion of a contest organized by Popes Julius II and Leo X. Each leaf shows either the top or the foot of a candle. The accompanying text extensively describes the candlesticks and is printed in French and in English in two columns.