[LGBTQ+] Manroot, complete run
Ed. Paul Mariah, Richard Tagett. San Francisco, 1969. Nos. 1-12 (all publ.). A journal dedicated to gay poetry, ills. Orig. ill. wrs. Var. sizes.
Contributions (mostly poetry) by Jack Spicer, Paul Eluard, Jean Cocteau, Frank O'Hara, Robert Desnos, James Broughton, Denise Levertov, Andre Breton, Jean Genet, Arthur Rimbaud and Allen Ginsberg a.o. Ills. by a.o. Marie Wilson, Martin Izquierdo, Robert Berner, José Laffitte and Diego Rivera. No. 12 is "The Complete Poems of Jean Genet" (second printing); No. 10 is a special "Jack Spicer" issue. (total 12)