[History] Philippi Cluveri, Germania Antiqua
Cum Vindelicia et Norico Auctoris methodo, verbis & tabulis Geographicis retentis contracta opera Johannis Bunonis. Guelferbyti [Wolfenbüttel], Sumtibus Conradi Bunonis. Typis J.H. Duncker. 1663.
Sm. 4vo. vellum, coloured frontispiece, (2,12,8,46),752,(110) pp.,
incl. 6 prints, most of which double-paged and all but one coloured, and 9 double-paged, all folding and coloured. All prints and maps copperengraved. Map of Europe with small tear on fold and brown stain right-hand side. This Wolfenbuettel edition is the most elaborate and rare. In very good condition.