[France] Wegh-wyser ... 1657
aenwijsende de besonderste vremde vermaecklijckheden die in 't reysen door Vranckryck en eenige aengrensende landen te sien zijn. Tot nut van al die gheneghen zijn om die landtschappen te besichtigen. 2nd edition, Amsterdam, N. v. Ravesteyn, 1657.
12mo, vellum, (48)+566+(6) pp., ill. engr. frontispiece. Stamp and signature stamp (water) stains throughout the book. With dedication from the printer to Jacob Schaap and as an introduction 'Reys-wetten', from (among others) J. Lipsius. Introd. poem 'De heerlijckheyt van Vranckryck' by Jan Zoet. The book describes 5 journeys: from Strasbourg through Burgundy; from Poitiers via Guyenne, Languedoc and Provence to Paris; from Paris to S. Malo in Brittanny; from S. Malo via Dieppe to Paris and from Paris back to Strasbourg, reasonable to good copy of this rare travel book.