Marten Toonder
Story International. Rotterdam Bibliotheektheater 20-24 januari 1993. Translation project Marten Toonder. 1st ed., January 1993. 64 p. + Second edition, February 1993. Stenciled edition, glued along spine, 113 p.
+ Tom Poes en de Laarzenreuzen. De Muinck & Co, 1948. Bound with cloth spine. Poor copy, inner block loose along front and colouring p. 6 + Tom Puss Tales, Birn Brothers, 1948. Bound with green cloth spine. Poor copy. With several coloured pages - and Heer Bommel en de Ruitenjassenvracht. Scheepvaart Vereniging Noord, 1972. 16 p. Stapled, several sm. kinks - and Verkeerd Verkeer, RPS, 1953. Good copy.
(total 6)