[Crime] Regtsgeding van J.C. van Stenis, schuldig verklaard aan vergiftiging.
Den Haag, J. Belinfante, 1843, (4),167 p., contemporary cloth with gilt-lettered spine (small label on front cover).
Inserted separately: "Handteekening van Matthis Heemskerk" [followed by pasted signature]. Double-sided, handwritten sheet, ca. 1855, 19 x 12 cm., with the story about this criminal from moneyed descent, arrested in 1855.
And with: Akte van beschuldiging in zake Maria Catharina van Swanenburg, huisvrouw van Johannes van der Linden. No place, publisher or year (Gerechtshof Den Haag, 1885), 36,(2) p., bound in modern half cloth with title on front cover ("Maria Catharina Swanenborg (Goeie Mie))", folio (some leafs restored).
The rare original indictment against De Leidse Gifmengster, charged with "vergiftiging, driemaal gepleegd" (p. 36). For this famous case, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Swanenburg.