[Cartography] Atlas Friesland
-Uitbeelding der Heerlijkheit Friesland zoo in 't algemeen, als in haare XXX Bijzondere Grietenijen door Dr. Bern. Schotanus a Sterringa ... tevens d'afteekeningvan Oud Friesland in VII verscheidene Landkaarten door ... Menso Alting... Uitgegeeven door Francois Halma [Leeuwarden] 1718.
Large folio, gilt-stamped. Contemporary colouring of the maps. Illustrated coloured frontispice with different categories, 3 illustrated coloured engravings, fully coloured overview of Friesland, 30 maps of the Grietenijen in exquisite colorite and detailed colouring of the cartouches and 7 historical maps of Friesland, also coloured. Complete with 38 maps. Binding damaged and worn. Some cards have multiple folds, map 27 loose. The alphabetical register on inside front cover was published at a later stage.