Karel van het Reve
Goed en schoon in de sovjetcritiek. G. A. van Oorschot, Amsterdam, 1954. Reve's dissertation at the University of Amsterdam, sewed, 8vo. + Word of thanks at the acceptance of the P.C. Hooftprijs 1981, G. van Oorschot, Amsterdam, 8vo, 16 p. Signed 6 juli 1982, nr. 3 out of 225 copies. Footnote by S. Carmiggelt. + De ouderwetse roman in Rusland, G.A. van Oorschot, Amsterdam, 1957, 8vo, 31 p. Speech held at the acceptance of the position of professor in Slavic literature at the University of Leyden on 18 October, 1957.
(total 3)