[The Hague] J.A. De Bergh, Haagsche Pen-Krassen. 2 vols.
1879 - 1887, appeared irregularly, yet from nr. 1-86 with several appendices such as a map of the Scheveningsche Boschjes with a view of Hotel des Galeries, Plage de Scheveningue and several prints, all concerning "Haagse impressies".
12mo., linen cover with glued on picture with title and author on front.
's-Gravenhage, published by the author J.A. De Bergh and printed at C.H. Susan Jr. 1879-1887. The lithogr. are printed at Wed. E. Spanier & Zn.
Highly informative articles concerning (primarily) 'Haagse' events.