Jules Verne
Various places and publishers (e.g. Kluitman), late 19th/20th century, 9 publications incl. 'Met de Zeemeeuw naar 't zonnige zuiden' and 'De Goudvulkaan'. Gebr. Kluitman, Alkmaar, with binding illustrations and drawings, bound - and 39 vols., woodcuts, uniform blue cloth bindings.
A comprehensive lot with 9 illustrated bindings and 39 of the common original blue bindings from ca. 1900. Many titles present in various editions. The following publishers released these bindings: Gebr. Kluitman (Alkmaar), P. van Santen (Leiden), Gebr. Koster, Elsevier (Amst.), Robbers (Rotterdam) and De Boekerij (Amst.). Most vols. have defects such as tanned paper and discoloured backs. (total 48)