[World atlas] (Le nouveau théatre du monde, ou la géographie royale)
(Leiden, Pieter van der Aa, 1713), with 4 engraved plates followed by 95 engraved, hand-numbered maps (mostly with coloured outlines), and with handwritten index "Cathalogue des Cartes contenues dans ce Livre", contemporary calf leather with gilt ribbed back with morocco title shield ("Du Bois géographie moderne"), oblong folio.
Partly with small damage in blank lower corner. Additionally, a large number of maps have old notes in pen in the margins and sometimes in the image. Else with several smaller defects. With ex libris of Paul Nirpot on inside front cover and stamp "Amable Nirpot" on title page. Further with stamp on reverse of the first plate with unidentified, crowned monogram "CTP".
On the reverse of the map index, a handwritten list with topographic places is noted. Further on the free endpaper an old, handwritten index with 85 numbers and the note "NB. Les Cartes appartiennent au Livre de la Geographie de Du Bois" (referring to the work "La Géographie Moderne (...)" by Abraham du Bois (The Hague, 1736). On the final endpaper in pen:"Fin de la Géografie de Du Bois". The maps by Van der Aa do indeed appear in that 4-volume work too, but folded (it is a quarto edition).
The atlas contains the following plates (no address): 1. Globe Celeste (star chart); 2. Globe Celeste/ Globe Terrestre; 3. Quadran de Mer/ La Sphère Artificielle; 4. (Diagram).
And the following maps: 1. World map; 2. Europe; 3. Portugal; 4. Spain; 5. France. 6. Isle de France; 7. Orleanois; 8. Lyonnois; 9. Bretagne; 10. Normandie; 11. Picardie; 12. Champagne; 13. Bourgogne; 14. Dauphiné; 15. Provence; 16. Languedoc; 17. Guyenne et Gascogne; 18. Alsace; 19. Artois; 20. Savoye; 21. Italy; 22. Piemont; 23. Venice; 24. Toscane; 25. Etat de l'Eglise; 26. Naples; 27. Sicily; 28. Malta; 29. Switzerland; 30. Lorraine; 31. Germany; 32. Souabe Septentrionale; 33. Souabe Méridionale; 34. Bavaria; 35. Austria; 36. Haute Saxe; 37. Brandenbourg et Poméranie; 38. Basse Saxe; 39. Lunebourg; 40. Westphalie; 41. Evêché de Liège; 42. Franconie; 43. Haut Rhin; 44. Hesse; 45. Rhin; 46. Mayence; 47. Trêves; 48. Archdiocese of Cologne; 49. Bohême; 50. XVII Provinces de Pays-Bas; 51. Pays-Bas Catholiques; 52. Flandre; 53. Hainaut, Namur et de Cambresis; 54. Luxembourg; 55. Limbourg; 56. Brabant; 57. Provinces unies des Pays Bas; 58. Hollande; 59. Zeeland; 60. Utrecht; 61. Gelderland; 62. Overijssel; 63. Groningen; 64. Friesland; 65. Great Britain; 66. England; 67. Scotland; 68. Ireland; 69. Scandinavie septentrionale; 70. Scandinavie méridionale; 71. Denmark; 72. Norway; 73. Sweden; 74. Poland; 75. Prussia; 76. Moscovie méridionale; 77. Moscovie septentrionale; 78. Hungary; 79. European Turkey; 80. Greece; 81. Asia; 82. Grande Tartarie; 83. Asian Turky; 84. Holy land; 85. Inde decà le Gange; 86. Inde dela le Gange; 87. Africa; 88. China; 89. Cape of Good Hope; 90. North America; 91. Central America; 92. Florida; 93. Canada; 94. South America; 95. Brazil.