N'ginoth Baruch Schorr
composed by Baruch Schorr, ed. Israel Schorr, Brooklyn, New York. 1906. (6), 250 pp. 4to in half cloth.
The musical legacy of Baruch Schorr, Cantor of the city synagogue "Gouden Roos" of Lemberg, published by his son. Schorr (1823-1904) was Cantor in various Shuls, including the Attorney Street Shul. His compositions were popular. He wrote such compositions as the operette "Shimshen hagiber (Samson, the Hero)". Twice he was committed to the famous Golden Rose synagogue in Lemberg for a longer period of time. This synagogue was built in the 16th century and was considered one of the most beautiful synagogues of Europe. It was blown up by the Germans in 1941.