[Debut Gerrit Komrij] Kontakt
Officieel orgaan van de Winterswijkse lyceum vereniging. Kontakt, May issue 1960. With Gerrit Komrij's first contribution + another 23 issues of this school magazine, partly pre-1960, also several later issues, including the issue of April 1961 when Komrij had become editor-in-chief.
Kontakt appeared eight times a year, every year with a different colour cover. Komrij submitted his first contribution in May 1960, when he was a fourth grade student at the HBS. The next academic year he had become an editor, a short while later the mailing address had become Olmenstraat 49 (his house) and in April 1961 he became editor-in-chief. He submitted more than 40 contributions in three years.
(total 24)