Bredasche Almanac en Chronijck. 1664
[with dedication:] Aen Siin Hoogheit Den Prince van Orange, Heer van Breda, &c. door Fobbe Korst [=Johannes van Vliet, author of this chronicle]. Irregular holidays for the subsequent years up to 1670; a monthly calendar and a chronicle of Breda from the 7th century to 1650 as a taste of the Groote Chronijck van Breda, which never appeared as such. The final leaf with: Der oude Vrije Friesen Spreeck-Woorden. Curious
Small 4to. New binding, half faux leather, marbled cased boards, (2), 28 pp. frontispiece with title by A. Santvoort and illustrated title of the chronicle with a view of Breda at the bottom. First endpaper with pasted part of original cover and ex libris. Rare and in very good condition.