[Dordrecht] Archive of the Dordrecht pharmacist family Van de Ven,
mostly consisting of several dozens of documents and items related to the training for and trade of pharmacist, 1862-1937.
The most prominent items in the archive:
J.A. van de Ven: Album of J.A. van de Ven, (former) pharmacist in Dordrecht, in which he has noted many poetic texts by himself and by and to others (contributions 1856-1875) on 83 pages paginated as 166, with one pasted photo, contemporary gilt and blindstamped morocco, oblong 4to.
Johannes Adrianus Jacobus van de Ven: Geneeskundige School Rotterdam: Proof of enrolment at that school (September 1862); three official diplomas, 46 x 60 cm., 1862 (2x) and 1864 (with wax seal), 44 x 56 cm., in metal case; two handwritten references from teachers (June 1864); two exam summons handwritten and signed by D. Blankenbijl (August 1864).
Certificate issued by the "Provinciale Komissie van geneeskundig Onderzoek en Toevoorzigt, ten bewijze dat J.A.J. van de Ven de proeve tot Artsenijbereidkunst met goed gevolg heeft afgelegd en wordt bevorderd tot Stedelijk Apotheker" (1864), with signatures on recto (Kommissie) and verso (moments during which the document was to be shown in 1866 and 1869).
Handwritten reference from the Dordrecht pharmacist W. Sillevis stating that J.A.J. van de Ven was a student with him for three and a half years (August 1862).
Nationale Militie Dordrecht: 5 documents, namely a proof of registration (January 1862), an Oproeping tot de Loting [for service] (February 1863, with his separate ticket no. 151 included) and announcements for the 1st and 2nd meeting of the Militieraad (March 1863 and April 1863).
With: hand-coloured lithographic view of Dordrecht, 1864, framed.
Invitation for a meeting with the Queen to J.A.J. van de Ven, November 1902, letter in envelope of the Dienst van het Koninklijk huis, with wax seal.
Four documents relating to the awaring of the Royal decoration Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau to A.J.A. van de Ven (July 1902), with preserved envelope of the Kanselarij der Nederlandse Orden (with wax seal) and 2 documents relating to the legal return of the Officer's cross (February 1903).
Adrianus Jacobus van de Ven: Over het cyaanwaterstofzuur bij de Prunaceae. Academisch Proefschrift, ter verkrijging van den graad van Doctor in de Artsenijbereidkunde (…). Dordrecht, Blussé & van Braam, 1898, 42, (5) p., with 3 figures on 1 plate, original gilt lettered cloth (copy of J.C. van de Ven); Document in which the widow of A.J. van de Ven is notified of the awarding of the predicates “Koninklijk” and “Hofleverancier” to Apotheek Kluit en Van de Ven (1937).