[Lists of banned books] Collection of 10 typoscript circulars,
all published by the municipality of Groningen, Politie afdeling recherche, dated Groningen 5 October 1942 to 8 February 1943, all with similar foreword signed by chief commissioner Ph. Blank (final one by A.C. van Keulen), A4-size (all sheets with chip in top margin).
Interesting original circulars, with underlinings in mostly red pen. The list gives a view of how the books listed as banned by the Sicherheitspolizei and S.D. (several hundreds of titles) were to be dealt with by the Dutch police.
"(...) De verschijning van onderstaande boekwerken, drukwerken en geschriften is verboden. Bij de uitgevers is tot inbeslagneming overgegaan. Het is verboden deze (...) verder in circulatie te brengen, ten verkoop voorhanden te hebben (...). Deze (...) moeten ten spoedigste, in ieder geval binnen 24 uren na ontvangst van deze circulaire en voorzien van uw naam en adres, worden ingeleverd bij de Afdeeling Recherche aan het Hoofdbureau van Politie te Groningen. Op de naleving van bovenstaand verbod zal streng worden toegezien (...)."
The lists include extremely diverse titles, such as the writings of Frits van Raalte, A. den Doolaard, Rudolf Steiner, Martinus Nijhoff, Jef Last, titles by Herman de Man, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Clara Eggink, the Käthe Kollwitz work, Victor van Vriesland, a translation of Simon Vestdijk, many titles published in the '30s by Querido all picture postcards with English inscriptions or the indication "printed in Germany".
With: two printed lists of book titles that were actually permitted (October 1942 and January 1944) and 5 other small publications/iterms related to war publications.
(total 17)