[Dutch Royal Family] Photos Lou van Kollem and Paul Huf
25th anniversary Juliana and Bernard, 1962, and wedding celebrations Beatrix and Claus, 1966. Collection of 119 original press photos in b/w (110 of which 24.5 x 18 cm. and 9 smaller photos). Partly with stamps Lou van Kollem and Paul Huf.
Photos mostly taken at the Amstelhotel; first part: the 25th wedding anniversary of Juliana and Bernard in 1962, followed by the wedding of Beatrix and Claus in 1966. Photographed attendees include Audrey Hepburn and her husband Mel Ferrer, Danny Kay, Marlene Dietrich, Maria Callas and Gina Lollobrigida.
Interesting collection of press photos of figures from royal houses, the film world and national politics. Bundled in two-ring binding with plastic punched pockets.