[Rare editions with special provenance] De vertroostinge der cleynmoedige
Door den seer Eerwerdigen Abt Ludovicus Blosius, Seer profytelijk tegen alle uytwendige ende inwendige quellingenm tentatien, scrupulen, wanhope, doodts-benauwdtheyd &c. Vertaelt door H.P.M. Oversien door H.C.B. Leuven, By de Erfgenamen van Bernardyn Maes, 1669, (8),305,(7) p., contemporary vellum, 12mo (bookblock tender and slightly stained, vellum warped and creased and lacks ties).
Rare work, only one copy in PiCarta. From the library of the Carmelite monastery St. Joseph "tot Gelder", with owner's annotations in Dutch and French on first blank.
With: Sponsus sanguinum. Den Bloedigen Bruydegom. Vertoont in XX. Meditatien. Door den Eerw: Heere Michiel Sachmoorter. De V. Editie vermeerdert ende verbetert. Antwerp, G. van Wolsschaten, 1667, (48),288 p., with woodcut illustrations and vignettes, contemporary vellum, 12mo (rebound with later endpapers; bookblock tanned and here and there waterstained).
Curious edition, of which we could not trace any other copies: PiCarta and other libraries list a V. edition by Van Wolsschaten printed in 1641. Copy with old ownership name on reverse title: "Maria Carmeliterssen te Boxmeer Elzendaal".
And with another 2 rare similar works from the 17th century, incomplete.
(total 4)