[Militaria] Militair zakboekje, ten dienste van het Nederlandsche leger,
doch meer bijzonder van het wapen der artillerie; inhoudende verschillende voorschriften, opgaven, gegevens, dienstregelen, afmetingen, gewigte, enz.; (met 8 steendrukplaatjes). Verzameld door A.W. de Bruijn, kapitein der artillerie. Maastricht, F. Bury-Lefebvre, 1833, X,374 p., with 83 illustrations on 8 lithographed plates, contemporary gilt calf with morocco title shield on spine bound by Z[acharias]. de Buizonje, pocket-size oblong binding, 20.5 x 9 cm. (trifle worn along edges but a very good copy).
The binder has according to the "berigt voor den binder" on the reverse of the title page also bound along a quire of "eenige bladen (een vel) wit postpaper", these are 16 leaves with only on the first page an annotation in pen. The introduction is addressed "aan mijne kruisbroeders" and signed in pen (and dated "febr." [Maastricht, 1833]) by the author. Due to the small type, the information density is huge in this rare work. which according to the title page cost no less than 5 guilders at publication.