[Artist's manuals] Convolute of two works by Georg Heinrich Werner:
(1). Die Erlernung der Zeichen Kunst durch die Geometrie und Perspektiv. Von G.H.W. Erfurt, no publisher (the author), 1763, 2 parts in one volume, (10),6-160,(4); 108,(4) p., with two engraved titles, in part 1 an engraved table ("Tab. A") and 21 engraved illustrations (Tab I-XXII, with XIX omitted, 18 and 20 on the same page) on 19 folding plates, in the second part 11 folding, engraved plates, contemporary cardboard, spine with 2 contrasting morocco title shields (boards slightly worn and stained).
(2). Nützliche Anweisung zu der Zeichenkunst derer Blumen, oder, wie ein jeder auf eine sehr leichte Art nach geometrischen und perspectivischen Grundsätzen im Nachzeichnen derer Blumen verfahren soll. Erfurt, J.J.F. Straube, 1765 (address at bottom p. 175), (12),175 [=176](4) p., with 10 illustrations on 9 folding, engraved plates and a letterpress "Tab. A." and engraved "Fig. A" (both folding).
Two rare artist's manuals for young art enthusiasts and prospective artists, from a larger series by engraver and medallist, Georg Heinrich Werner (ca. 1722-1788). He was in the service of Heinrich XXXVI and Fürst Christian Günther, to whom respectively the first and second work have been dedicated. The work of Werner is based on that of De Passe and Goeree, among others.